Mutagenic Labz – LGD-3303



The new kid on the block, LGD-3303 is one of the newer SARMs on the market and purported to be one of the best SARMs for overall sheer mass and strength gains. LGD-3303 is also known for providing a noticeable muscular fullness despite being a dry compound.

LGD-3303 offers superb oral bioavailability. It is non-steroidal and is ingested orally. It binds to the androgen receptor with an extremely high affinity and selectivity, and once it does this it exerts exceptional anabolic effects in muscle and bone, equating to a large increase in muscle size and strength.

The androgenic effects in the body are minimal at the effective dosage for muscle building purposes, thus making it a very promising SARM.

What you can expect from LGD-3303 is a fairly substantial boost in lean, dry mass gains, with a considerable increase in strength and muscular endurance.

In the clinical studies, a dose of 1 mg per kilogram (research subjects ‘ body weight) was a sufficient dose to completely replace the anabolic support provided by natural testosterone production in terms of muscle growth.
This would equate to a dosage of roughly 11 mg in humans.

The consensus on LGD-3303 typically is that substantial results can be expected at doses of about 10mg or higher, and the sweet spot may be closer to the 20mg range.

It doesn’t matter if the research subject is on an empty stomach or not during the administration of LGD-3303.


LGD-3303 contributes to recognizable muscular fullness because of its impact on nitrogen retention. The drug can partition nutrients and increase retention of nitrogen while also facilitating water retention, all of which tend to make muscles fuller and better formed. The impact on the size of muscles is visible in just a few days. Most SARMs take six to eight weeks for noticeable changes. In short, this SARM will help your muscles to be more pronounced or well defined. The definition of your muscles would not get blurred soon after you complete the course. This is also a concern with many other common and popular SARMs.


Yes, women can use LGD-3303. Remember this is not a hormone and it ‘s also a non-steroidal drug with no effects on androgenic organs. The risk of virilization is, therefore, zero.


The half-life of LGD-3303 is 6 hours. This means that you ‘ll have to use the dosage noted above twice a day for the best results.


LGD-3303 has a half-life of six hours. You have to break down the daily dosage to two or three times. Only such an approach would have a sustainable impact on endurance and strength of your muscles. Other SARMs with such a short half-life must also be taken twice or thrice.

The recommended dosage is around 10-20mg per day. If you are going for three times a day then split them in the morning, noon or midday and evening or night. Keep the interval uniform.

Many people have already reported that a higher dosage of up to twenty milligrams per day has a much better impact. You can try around twenty milligrams per day but be consciously observant so you can identify any unpleasant changes in your body. There is no major side effect but some people may respond differently, especially when the dose is increased.


LGD-3303 is a little more suppressive than other SARMs. While most SARMs do have a suppressive tendency, LGD-3303 would cause a substantial change in how much testosterone is secreted every day. It is possible there will be a substantial effect on testosterone production. Therefore, you will need a post cycle therapy. Complete the course of LGD-3303 and begin a post cycle therapy to restore the optimum levels of testosterone production. Some people may not choose a post cycle therapy. This is acceptable since the suppression of the sex hormone is only temporary. SARMs like LGD-3303 do not have any medium-term or long-term side effects. The testosterone secretion can be restored naturally but it may take longer so a post cycle therapy is often recommended.

If you observe or feel some changes to your libido or sex drive during the course or after, do not worry about it since it is only normal. There have been cases wherein LGD 3303 has increased libido and people have actually enjoyed the enhanced sex drive. There are people who have experienced a decline in libido. This effect or its nature is not universal. The effect may be completely undone after the course or it may take a while. This is why a post cycle therapy is necessary and must be chosen on the basis of personal experience rather than what others are doing. SARMs do work in a predictable manner but people will not respond in the same way.

Medicinal Benefits of LGD-3303

At the moment, this SARM is being tested for its potential as an osteoporosis treatment. Since osteoporosis leads to bone weakness and increased danger of bones breaking, it makes sense that a SARM like this can have the potential to relieve symptoms.

Moreover, according to recent animal studies, LGD-3303 enhances the effectiveness of bisphosphonate drugs. These drugs prevent the loss of bone density and are used to treat osteoporosis and similar conditions.

Also, it has the potential to maintain lean tissues and muscles among the aged, which can prevent numerous medical problems and raise their life quality.

Although human trials have not yet begun, the medical community considers that this drug can help in the treatment of some serious conditions.

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