Amalgamation – Mutagenic Labz


Amalgamation - Mutagenic Labz 

Amalgamation Mutagenic Labz is a blend of Cardarine (GW-501516) and Stenabolic (SR-9009). The perfect stack for increasing metabolic rate and shedding body fat. Use every day to boost your immune system, lower your blood sugar levels and encourage muscle growth.
Amalgamation (Carderine) is one of the best when it comes to increase endurance, energy, stamina, You can expect high levels of intensity in the gym, shorter recovery times, and breaking thru plautesu in the gym.
Also, the energy you get from Cardarine is not experienced as jittery or anxious. It’s not a stimulant, and you won’t crash hours later.  In fact, many users even report feeling an overall sense of well being and calmness.
Some of the other benefits include:
	Rapidly melts fat and NON catabolic.
	Provides noticeable results on the first dose.
	The ability to run for longer perioids if time 
	Is versatile and can be stacked with anything.
	Can be used while cutting OR bulking.
	No side effects, liver toxicity, or suppression have been reported.
	No need for a PCT

What is stenabolic (SR9009)
It’s difficult to compare Stenabolic (SR9009) to other anabolic supplements because Stenabolic is not anabolic in nature.While it may promote the protection of lean muscle tissue, it has not been shown to promote increases in muscle mass.Rather, Stenabolic (SR9009) is known for decreasing body fat and boosting endurance. It does so through non-hormonal means. 
Basically, Stenabolic (SR9009) is an ideal counterpart to anabolic supplements and it isn’t competing with them to be used by the body.As I’ll talk more about below, Stenabolic (SR9009) really is the perfect stacking agent that can be used with dozens of anabolic supplement options. 
To sum it up, Stenabolic (SR9009) isn’t anabolic and it can be used with any number of prohormones, S.A.R.M.s, etc.
	Amplified metabolic rate
	Boost in fat loss
	Increase in energy levels
	Enhanced endurance and stamina
	No side effects reported
	Ideal stacking agent that won’t cause complications

So together this two compliment each other with amazing recomp, fat loss and endurance effect.
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