5% Nutrition – Full As F*ck


Available in: Blue Raspberry, Fruit Punch, Pomegranate & Wild Berry.


In the gym, the pump is EVERYTHING! There is no greater feeling while training than having your muscles totally engorged to the absolute brim with nutrient carrying blood. The pump can literally transform the appearance of your physique, making your working muscles look FULL AS F*CK. The pump is where it’s at; like an addiction that knows no end of appetite. It’s hard to leave the gym once you have the ultimate pump going.


Container Size: 360g
Serving Size: 1 scoop (12g)
Servings Per Container: 30
Amount Per Serving:
Vitamin C: 250mg
Niacin: 30mg
Calcium: 9mg
Magnesium: 15mg
Sodium: 17mg
Potassium: 36mg
L-Citrulline: 4,000g
L-Taurine: 2,000g
Glycerol Monostearate: 1,000g
Dan-Shen Extract: 650mg
Beet Root Extract: 500mg
L-Norvaline: 250mg
Citrus (Orange) Powder (Hesperidin): 100mg
Black Pepper Fruit Extract: 5mg
Other Ingredients: Natural Flavours, Citric Acid, Silicon Dioxide, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Allura Red.
Please Note:  Nutritional facts and ingredients may vary slightly between flavours.
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